M.Sc. Silvia Becker

Vacant thesis
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          2024  2021  [All]

Selected Publications

Journal Articles (2)

C. B. Espinosa, J. Sánchez, S. Appel, S. Becker, J. Krauß, P. M. Díaz, L. Unger, M. Houillon, and A. Loewe.
A Cyclical Fast Iterative Method for Simulating Reentries in Cardiac Electrophysiology Using an Eikonal-Based Model.
In eprint, 2024
N. Pilia, C. Nagel, G. Lenis, S. Becker, O. Dössel, and A. Loewe.
ECGdeli - An open source ECG delineation toolbox for MATLAB.
In SoftwareX, vol. 13, pp. 100639, 2021