Axel Loewe, head of the Computer Models of the Heart research group, was named a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC) for outstanding contributions to research on cardiac arrhythmias.
IBT and collaborators won the Helmholtz Software Award in the Newcomer category for the cardiac electrophysiology simulator openCARP.
Axel Loewe, head of the Computer Models of the Heart research group, was named a Fellow of the European Heart Rhythm Association (FEHRA) for outstanding contributions to research on cardiac arrhythmias.
The KIT Verdienstnadel (KIT Medal of Merit) has been awarded to Olaf Dössel for his activity as ambassador for KIT and as honorary chairman of the Studierendenwohnheim e.V. des KIT (KIT Student Dormitory Association).
Award for the best poster, Workshop on Hybrid Human-Machine Interaction in Surgery 2024, London
Domenico Riggio, Sofia Breschi, Angela Peloso, Maria Francesca Spadea and Elena De Momi
with the poster "Mixed Reality in Cardiac Surgery: Towards a Training Simulator for Mitral Valve Repair Intervention"
2nd place in the student competition, Conference „Biomedizinische Technik“ 2024 in Stuttgart
Sara Schwab, Lorena Krames, Werner Nahm
Influencing Factors on the Registration Accuracy of a Learned Feature Descriptor in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery
Finalist in student competition, Conference „Biomedizinische Technik“ 2024 in Stuttgart
Franziska Stolte, Carmen Martínez Anton, Eric Invers Rubio, Eduard Guasch, Lluis Mont, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
Comparison of LGE-MRI and Local Impedance Data Recorded in Human Left Atria
Finalist for the Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award, "Computing in Cardiology" conference 2024, Karlsruhe
Patricia Martinez Diaz; Pascal Maierhofer; Michael Beigl; Axel Loewe; Olaf Doessel
Insights from Explainable Machine Learning on Biatrial Arrhythmia Vulnerability Assessment
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award, "Computing in Cardiology" conference 2024 in Karlsruhe
Christian Goetz; Patricia Martinez Diaz; Till Althoff; Constanze Schmidt; Axel Loewe:
with the poster "DIVAID: Automatic Division of Bi-Atrial Geometries Into Clinically Important Regions"
Award for the best poster, Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2024, Freiburg
Jonathan Krauß, Cristian Barrios, Stephanie Appel, Axel Loewe:
with the poster "Impact of Scar Size and Location on Ejection Fraction"
1st Finalist Young Investigator Award (Basic sciences), Konferenz „European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)“ 2024 in Berlin (Germany)
Patricia Martínez Díaz , Jorge Sánchez , Nikola Fitzen, Ursula Ravens, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe: The right atrium affects in silico arrhythmia vulnerability in both atria
Travel Award from the DHS for participation in the Gordon Research Conference Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms 2023 in Houston, Texas to Lourdes Patricia Martinez Diaz
Maastricht Simulation Award, Konferenz „Computing in Cardiology“ 2023 in Atlanta (USA)
Tobias Gerach, Jonathan Krauss, Steffen Schuler, Axel Loewe
Whole Heart Simulation of Severe Aortic Stenosis Using a Lumped Parameter Model of Heart Valve Dynamics
Semi-Finalist at Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award, Konferenz „Computing in Cardiology“ 2023 in Atlanta (USA)
Carmen Martinez Anton, Jorge Sánchez, Nansi Caslli, Lena Heinemann, Laura Anna Unger, Axel Loewe, Olaf Dössel
In Silico Computation of Electrograms and Local Electrical Impedance to Assess Non-Transmural Fibrosis
1st place in Student Competition, Konferenz „Biomedizinische Technik“ 2023 in Duisburg
Christian Goetz, Patricia Martínez Díaz, Jorge Sánchez, Amir Jadidi, Martin Eichenlaub, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
Discrepancy Between LGE-MRI and Electro-Anatomical Mapping for Regional Detection of Pathological Atrial Substrate
Finalist in Student Competition, Konferenz „Biomedizinische Technik“ 2023 in Duisburg
Nikola André Fitzen, Patricia Martínez Díaz, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
Impact of the Right Atrium on Arrhythmia Vulnerability
Klee-Preis for Laura Unger
The German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) annually awards the Klee Prize to scientists for practical developments in the field of medical technology. Laura Unger was awarded 1st place for her dissertation "Multimodal Characterization of the Atrial Substrate - Risks and Rewards of Electrogram and Impedance Mapping" at IBT.
[News] [Dissertation]
2nd place in the Young Investigator Award (basic science), European Heart Rhythm Association conference (EHRA) 2023 in Barcelona (Spain)
Patricia Martínez Díaz, Christian Götz, Albert Dasí, Laura Anna Unger, Annika Haas, Olaf Dössel, Armin Luik, Axel Loewe:
Impact of Effective Refractory Period Personalization on Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Vulnerability
Best poster award, Gordon Seminar on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, Galveston, Texas, USA
Patricia Martínez Díaz, Christian Götz, Albert Dasí, Laura Anna Unger, Annika Haas, Olaf Dössel, Armin Luik, Axel Loewe
with the poster "Impact of Effective Refractory Period Personalization on Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Vulnerability"
Honourable mention, Gordon Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, Galveston, Texas, USA
Patricia Martínez Díaz, Christian Götz, Albert Dasí, Laura Anna Unger, Annika Haas, Olaf Dössel, Armin Luik, Axel Loewe
with the poster "Impact of Effective Refractory Period Personalization on Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Vulnerability"
Olaf Dössel:
• Fellow of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT)
• Fellow of the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM)
• Fellow of the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES)
• KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow
Axel Loewe:
• Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2nd place in the student competition, Conference "Biomedical Engineering" 2022 in Innsbruck (Austria)
Jule Bender, Claudia Nagel, Jonathan Fröhlich, Christian Wieners, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
A Large-scale Virtual Patient Cohort to Study ECG Features of Interatrial Conduction Block
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award, Conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2022 in Tampere (Finnland)
Jorge Sánchez, Axel Loewe:
Mechanical Consequences of Electrical Remodeling due to Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: a Cellular Level Sensitivity Analysis
Semi-Finalist beim Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award, Conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2022 in Tampere (Finnland)
Carmen Martinez Anton, Jorge Sánchez, Andreas Heinkele, Laura Anna Unger, Annika Haas, Kerstin Schmidt, Armin Luik, Axel Loewe, Olaf Doessel:
Effect of Contact Force on Local Electrical Impedance in Atrial Tissue - an in silico Evaluation
Klee Prize for Giorgio Luongo
The German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) annually awards the Klee Prize to scientists for practical developments in the field of medical technology. Giorgio Luongo was awarded 3rd place for his dissertation "Non-Invasive Atrial Arrhythmia Diagnosis Using the 12-Lead ECG: Machine Learning Leveraging in-silico and Clinical Signals" at IBT.
[News] [Dissertation]
Joint WG e-Cardiology European Society of Cardiology (ESC) & CinC Clinical Needs Translational Award (CTA) at Computing in Cardiology 2021
Deborah Nairn, Claudia Nagel, Björn Müller-Edenborn, Heiko Lehrmann, Thomas Arentz, Olaf Doessel, Amir Jadidi, Axel Loewe
"Optimal Regional Voltage Thresholds for Identifying Ablation Targets in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation"
Best Oral Presentation Award at 12th Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Modelling of the Heart (STACOM)
Claudia Nagel, Matthias Schaufelberger, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
"A bi-atrial statistical shape model as a basis to classify left atrial enlargement from simulated and clinical 12-lead ECGs"
Second place in Student Competition, Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) 2021, Hannover
Hannes Welle, Claudia Nagel, Ralf Mikut, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
„Classification of Bundle Branch Blocks with QRS Templates Extracted from 12-lead ECGs”
Finalist in Student Competition, Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) 2021, Hannover
Leonie Schicketanz, Laura Unger, Jorge Sánchez, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
„Separating atrial near fields and atrial far fields in simulated intra-atrial electrograms”
Finalist in Student Competition, Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) , Hannover
Tianbao Zheng, Luca Azzolin, Jorge Sánchez, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
„An automated pipeline for generating fiber orientation and region annotation in patient-specific atrial models”
Finalist at Rosanna Degani Young Investigators Award, Konferenz „Computing in Cardiology“ 2020, Rimini (Italien)
Jorge Sánchez, Mark Nothstein, Aurel Neic, Yung-Lin Huang, Anton J Prassl, Jochen Klar, Robert Ulrich, Felix Bach, Philipp Zschumme, Michael Selzer, Gernot Plank, Edward Vigmond, Gunnar Seemann, Axel Loewe
openCARP: An Open Sustainable Framework for In-Silico Cardiac Electrophysiology Research
Semi-Finalist at Rosanna Degani Young Investigators Award, Konferenz „Computing in Cardiology“ 2020 in Rimini (Italien)
Tobias Gerach, Steffen Schuler, Ekaterina Kovacheva, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe
Consequences of Using an Orthotropic Stress Tensor for Left Ventricular Systole
1st place in student competition, German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) annual conference 2020, Online
Xenia Augustin, Michael Kircher
„Estimating regional pulmonary blood flow in EIT with regularized deconvolution with a Tikhonov regularization”
5th place in student competition, German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) annual conference 2020, Online
Armin Müller, Ekaterina Kovacheva, Axel Löwe
„Validating a Numerical Simulation of Human Heart Motion Using Clinical Data”
Best Poster Award, Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung 2020, Kiel, Deutschland
N. Pilia, C. Corsi, S. Severi, O. Dössel, A. Loewe
Eingereichte Arbeit: Reconstruction of Potassium Concentrations with the ECG on Imbalanced Datasets
Best Paper Award, Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung 2020, Kiel, Deutschland
M. Kircher, F. Schuderer, B. Stender, T. Bluth, M. Gama de Abreu, O. Dössel
Submitted Paper: Nonlinear and Piecewise Fitting of Indicator-Enhanced EIT signals: Comparison of Methods
Finalists at Atrial Signals 2019 in Bordeaux:
Laura Anna Unger, Tobias Oesterlein, Annika Haas, Armin Luik, Olaf Dössel
with the Poster "Characterizing and Localizing Zones of Critical Conduction during Atrial Tachycardia Demands Ultra-high-resolution Electroanatomical Mapping"
1st place in student competition, DGBMT annual conference 2019, Frankfurt:
Claudia Nagel, Nicolas Pilia, Laura Unger, Olaf Dössel
Submitted paper: Performance of Different Atrial Conduction Velocity Estimation Algorithms Improves with Knowledge about the Depolarization Pattern
Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award at the conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2019 in Singapur:
Steffen Schuler, Danila Potyagaylo, Olaf Dössel: Delay-Based Regularization for ECG Imaging of Transmembrane Voltages
Biophysical Society Travel Award for the 63rd Annual Meeting 2019 in Baltimore, MD (USA) to Axel Loewe
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award, Conference "Computing in Cardiology" 2018 in Maastricht (The Netherlands)
Ekaterina Kovacheva, Lukas Baron, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe: "Electro-Mechanical Delay in the Human Heart: A Study on a Simple Geometry"
Patient Safety Award
Axel Loewe and Olaf Dössel won the Patient Safety Award (2nd place) together with clinical collaborators from University Heart Center Freiburg-Bad Krozingen.
The honored study introduces two novel ECG-based approaches for real-time assessment of success of catheter ablation to terminate perimitral flutter.
3rd place at Gips-Schüle junior scientist award 2018
Axel Loewe for his dissertation Modeling Human Atrial Patho-Electrophysiology from Ion Channels to ECG - Substrates, Pharmacology, Vulnerability, and P-Waves
Best student paper award, 19. International Conference on Biomedical Applications of EIT, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
M. Kircher, A. Braune, T. Bluth, M. Gama de Abreu, O. Dössel, B. Stender
Submitted paper: Method for comparing pulmonary perfusion measured by PET/CT and indicator based EIT measurements in a porcine model
KIT Doctoral Award, Karlsruhe, Feb/21/2018
KIT acknowledges outstanding doctoral researchers with the KIT Doctoral Award. One of the three prizes for the academic year 2016/17 was awarded to Gustavo Lenis for his PhD thesis „Signal Processing Methods for the Analysis of the Electrocardiogram“.
Klee Award of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT)
Danila Potyagaylo, Non-invasive Electrocardiographic Imaging of Ventricular Activities
2nd prize Klee Award of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT)
Tobias Oesterlein, Multichannel Analysis of Intracardiac Electrograms
Semi-Finalist Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award, Conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2017 in Rennes (France)
Nicolas Pilia, Olaf Doessel, Gustavo Lenis, Axel Loewe, ECG as a Tool to Estimate Potassium and Calcium Concentrations in the Extracellular Space
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award, Conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2017 in Rennes (France)
Axel Loewe, Emanuel Poremba, Tobias G. Oesterlein, Nicolas Pilia, Micha Pfeiffer, Olaf Doessel, Stefanie Speidel:
An Interactive Virtual Reality Environment for Analysis of Clinical Atrial Arrhythmias and Ablation Planning
1st place in student competition, DGBMT and DGMP annual conference 2017, Dresden,
A. Noshadi, M. Kircher, S. Pollnow, G. Elke, I. Frerichs, and O. Dössel
Submitted paper: Automatic lung segmentation in the presence of alveolar collapse.
2nd place in student competition, DGBMT und DGMP Jahrestagung 2017, Dresden;
M. Stritt, T. Oesterlein, S. Pollnow, A. Luik, and C. Schmitt.
Submitted paper: Assessment of local high-density mapping for the analysis of radiofrequency ablation lesions in the left atrium.
KIT Doctoral Award, Karlsruhe, July/12/2017
KIT acknowledges outstanding doctoral researchers with the KIT Doctoral Award. One of the three prizes for the academic year 2015/16 was awarded to Axel Loewe who is with the Institute of Biomedical Engineering for his PhD thesis „Modeling human atrial patho-electrophysiology from ion channels to ECG: substrates, pharmacology, vulnerability, and P-waves“. [See Video]
Best Poster Presentation, Kentucky Academy of Science 2016 Student Research Competition, Computer and Information Sciences,
Eura Shin, Emanuel Poremba, Olaf Dössel, Axel Loewe: "Automated Initiation of Fibrillatory Excitation in Monodomain Simulations“
Prizes at the "DGBMT Anniversary (DACH) 2016 in Basel:
2nd place in student competition:
Joachim Greiner, Stefan Pollnow, Steffen Schuler, Gustavo Lenis, Gunnar Seemann, Olaf Dössel, "Simulation of Intracardiac Electrograms around Acute Ablation Lesions“
1st place in student competition:
Robin Andlauer, Axel Loewe, Olaf Dössel, Gunnar Seemann, "Effect of Left Atrial Hypertrophy on P-Wave Morphology in a Computational Model“
Awards at the Conference „Computing in Cardiology“ 2016 at Vancouver (Kanada)
Semi-Finalist Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award:
Markus Rottmann, Ufuk Arslan, Wenzel Kaltenbacher, Viktor Markstein, Thomas Arentz, Olaf Dössel, Amir Jadidi: „Impact of Three Dimensional Atrial Fibrosis on Development and Stability of Rotational Activity in Atrial Fibrillation – A 3D Simulation and Clinical High-density Mapping Study in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation“.
Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award:
Axel Loewe, Robin Andlauer, Olaf Dössel, Gunnar Seemann, Pyotr Platonov: „Left Atrial Hypertrophy Increases P-Wave Terminal Force Through Amplitude but not Duration“
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award:
Joachim Greiner, Tobias Oesterlein, Gustavo Lenis, Olaf Dössel: „Virtual Reality Visualization of Arrhythmias on a Smartphone“
Bill and Gary Sanders Poster Award:
Bhawna Verma, Axel Loewe, Armin Luik, Claus Schmitt, Olaf Dössel: „Regional Conduction Velocity Calculation based on Local Activation Times: A Simulation Study on Clinical Geometries“
Mortara Fellowship:
Gustavo Lenis, Axel Loewe
2nd place in the young investigator competition at the workshop "Innovative Verarbeitung bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Signale - BBS 2016" by Gustavo Lenis, Alexander Kramlich, Tobias Oesterlein and Olaf Dössel with the submitted paper: "Development and Benchmarking of Activity Detection Algorithms for Intracardiac Electrograms Measured During Atrial Flutter”
Faculty teaching award 2016:
Faculty teaching award of the faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies for excelent teaching and the creation of the video excercises for the mandatory undergraduate class “Lineare Elektrische Netze”. The preis was given on the 14 of April 2016 during the annual ceremony of KIT.
2nd place in student competition, DGBMT annual conference 2015, Lübeck,
Eike M. Wülfers, Zhasur Zhamoliddinov, Olaf Dössel and Gunnar Seemann: "Accelerating mono-domain cardiac electrophysiology simulations using OpenCL." Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 413–417, 2015. [url]
doi: 10.1515/cdbme-2015-0100
Best Poster Presentation, Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, Boston, Gustavo Lenis
Submitted Paper: “Post Extrasystolic T Wave Change in Subjects With Structural Healthy Ventricles – Measurement and Simulation"
CC Studies Award, Coburger Convent, in recognition to his scientific achievements and for his contribution to the Coburger Convent, Gustavo Lenis
1st prize for the best poster presentation of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie has been awarded to Ms. Bhawna Verma at the 4th PhD Symposium, September 11th 2014.
1st place in student competition, DGBMT annual conference 2014, Hannover,
Y. T. Lutz, A. Loewe, M. Wilhelms, O. Dössel, G. Seemann.
Submitted paper: Specific antiarrhythmic therapy for familial atrial fibrillation in a numerical model of human atrial electrophysiology.
3rd place in student competition, DGBMT annual conference 2014, Hannover,
T. G. Oesterlein, G. Lenis; A. Luik, C. Schmitt, O. Dössel
Submitted paper: "Periodic component analysis to eliminate ventricular far field artifacts in unipolar atrial electrograms of patients suffering from atrial flutter"
Young Investigator Award at the 41. Tagung International Congress on Electrocardiology in Bratislava, 2014.
T. G. Oesterlein, G. Lenis; A. Luik, B. Verma, C. Schmitt, O. Dössel
Submitted paper: "Removing Ventricular Far Field Artifacts in Intracardiac Electrograms during Stable Atrial Flutter using the Periodic Component Analysis – Proof of Concept Study"
3rd place in the student presentation competition at the workshop "Innovative Verarbeitung bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Signale - BBS 2014" by Nicolas Pilia, Gustavo Lenis, Olaf Dössel with the
submitted paper: "Developing a new method to delineate the P wave using information from intracardiac electrograms"
KIT Doktorandenpreis 2013 im Kompetenzbereich Angewandte Lebenswissenschaften
Dr. Ing. Martin Krüger with his Dissertation: Personalized Multi-Scale Modeling of the Atria: Heterogeneities, Fiber Architecture, Hemodialysis and Ablation Therapy
Best graduate student poster award at the Cardiac Physiome Workshop in Bar Harbor, USA, 2013
Axel Loewe, Mathias Wilhelms, Jochen Schmid, Mathias J. Krause, Fathima Fischer, Eberhard P. Scholz, Olaf Dössel, Gunnar Seemann
"A Hybrid Optimization Approach for the Adaptation of Cardiac Ion Current Formulations"
2nd place in student competition, BMT, 2013 Graz, Axel Loewe, Mathias Wilhelms, Fathima Fischer, Eberhard P. Scholz, Olaf Dössel, Gunnar Seemann,
Submitted paper: "Impact of hERG Mutations on Simulated Human Atrial Action Potentials"
3rd place in student competition, BMT, 2012 Jena, A. Dorn, M. W. Krueger, G. Seemann, and O. Dössel,
Eingereichte Arbeit: "Modelling of heterogeneous human atrial electrophysiology"
Preis der Stiftung Familie Klee 2012, Herr Dr. Frank Weber
"Computersimulation von Vorhofflimmern im menschlichen Herz"
Preis der Stiftung Familie Klee 2012 2. Platz, Herr Dr. David Keller
"Multiscale Modeling of the Ventricles"
Fakultäts-Lehrpreis 2012 der Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Herr Prof. Dr. Olaf Dössel, Herr Dr. Tobias Baas"
"Projektgruppe LENlab"
Preis für bestes Poster im Rahmen der Tagung Computers in Cardiology in Krakau: W. H. W. Schulze, D. Potyagaylo, O. Dössel
Activation Time Imaging in the Presence of Myocardial Ischemia: Choice of Initial Estimates for Iterative Solvers; Computing in Cardiology (accepted), 2012
Preis für bestes Poster im Rahmen der Tagung Computers in Cardiology in Hangzhou: A. Loewe, W. H. W. Schulze, Yuan Jiang, M. Wilhelms, O. Dössel
Determination of optimal electrode positions of a wearable ECG monitoring system for detection of myocardial ischemia: a simulation study; Computing in Cardiology, vol. 38, pp. 741 - 744, 2011
Young Investigator Award im Rahmen der Tagung International Congress on Electrocardiology in Kingston: W. H. W. Schulze, M. W. Krueger, K. Rhode, R. Razavi, O. Dössel
Critical times based activation time imaging; Proc. 38th International Congress on Electrocardiology (Young Investigator Award), 2011
3. Preis im Studentenwettbewerb, BMT, 2010 Rostock, Maximilian Fütterer, Biomedizinische Technik,
Eingereichte Arbeit: "Influence of RF-excitation patterns during Magnetic Resonance Imaging on heating at the tip of pacemaker electrodes"
Finalist im Young Investigator Award, Computing in Cardiology, CinC, 2010, Belfast, Mathias Wilhelms,
"Simulating the Impact of the Transmural Extent of Acute Ischemia on the Electrocardiogram"
Beste mündliche Präsentation, 1. Preis, KIT PhD Symposium Award 2009, Julia Bohnert,
Titel: "Induced Current Densities and SAR in the Human Body by Strong Magnetic Fields around 100 kHz"
Doktorandenstipendium der Deutschen Telekom Stiftung 2009, Julia Bohnert
Chinese National Award for Qutstanding Self-financed Chinese Students Study Abroad 2009, Dr.-Ing. Yuan Jiang
Erna Scheffler Preis 2009, Frau Dr.-Ing. Nicole Kikillus
Südwestmetall Preis 2008, Frau Dr.-Ing. Nicole Kikillus
Fresenius Erfinderpreis 2008, 1. Platz, Frau Dr.-Ing. Nicole Kikillus
Fresenius Erfinderpreis 2008, 3. Platz, Herr Dr.-Ing. Marc Jäger
Preis der Stiftung Familie Klee 2008, Herr Dr.-Ing. Matthias Reumann
Submitted PhD thesis: M. Reumann. Computer Assisted Optimisation of Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure and Supraventricular Arrhythmia. 2007. Ph.D. Thesis.
Wolfang-Trautwein-Forschungspreis 2008 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, Herz- und Kreislaufforschung, Herr Dr.-Ing. Matthias Reumann
Third place of the Young Investigators Award at the IEEE-EMBC2008 - Vancouver-Canada
Submitted thesis: R. Miri, M. Reumann, D. Keller, D. Farina, O. Dössel
Comparison of the Electrophysiologically Based Optimization Methods with Different Pacing Parameters in Patient Undergoing Resynchronization Treatment
J. F. Bohnert, A. Khawaya, und O. Dössel.
Auszeichnung der Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel "ECG Segmentation Using Wavelet Transformation"
DGBMT-Award 2006 of the Foundation-Family-Klee for the advancement of scientific procreation
Submitted PhD thesis:
G. Seemann: Modeling of Electrophysiology and Tension Development in the Human Heart. Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, ISBN 3-937300-66-X, 2005. Online
Best poster award
On the conference Computers in Cardiologie in Valencia the following presentation won the price for the best poster:
G. Seemann, D. U. J. Keller, D. L. Weiss, and O. Dössel.
Modeling Human Ventricular Geometry and Fiber Orientation based on Diffusion Tensor MRI. In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, volume 33, pages 801-804, Sep. 2006
2. Preis des Kenichi Harumi Young Investigator’s Award
M. Reumann, J. Bohnert, B. Osswald, S. Hagl, and O. Dössel.
„The role of conduction delay and complex anatomical structures in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation“
33. International Congress on Electrocardiology
1. Preis Best Poster Presentation
Physiological Society award at the retirement meeting of Denis Noble in Oxford in October 2004:
G. Seemann, F. B. Sachse, O. Dössel, A V. Holden, M. R. Boyett, and H. Zhang.
„3D anatomical and electrophysiological model of human sinoatrial node and atria“
In J. Physiol, PC26, 2004
1. Preis Best Poster Presentation
17th International Congress on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, London, UK, 2003
Wahju Sediono, O. Dössel.
"The effect of spatio-temporal forces on various hyperelastic ventricle models"
H.U. Lemke et. al (eds): CARS 2003 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 1400, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, 2003.
1. Preis Young Investigator Competition
XXIX th Int. Congress on Electrocardiology and the 4th Int. Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Montreal, Canada, 2002
M. Nalbach, O. Skipa, O. Dössel.
"Investigation of the source spaces of ECG electrode arrangements"
International Journal of Bioelectromagetism, No. 2, vol. 4, pp. 241-242, 2002
1. Preis Best Poster Presentation
Computers in Cardiology CinC2002, Memphis, USA, 2002
M. Nalbach, O. Skipa, F. B. Sachse, O. Dössel.
"Investigation of the source space of ECG and MCG using isotropic and anisotropic thorax models"
IEEE Computers in Cardiology CinC2002, Memphis, USA, pp. 501-504, 2002
3. Preis Young Investigator Competition
XXIX th Int. Congress on Electrocardiology and the 4th Int. Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Montreal, Canada, 2002
O. Skipa, M. Nalbach, F. Sachse, C. Werner, O. Dössel.
"Transmembrane potential reconstruction in anisotropic heart model."
International Journal of Bioelectromagetism, vol. 4, pp. 17-18, 2002
Best poster award
On the conference Computers in Cardiologie in Rotterdam the following presentation won the price for the best poster:
G. Seemann, F. B. Sachse, C. Riedel, C. D. Werner, and O. Dössel.
Regional and frequency dependencies of force development in the myocardium: A simulation study. In Proc. Computers in Cardiology, volume 28, pages 345-348, Sep. 2001.
BMBF Preis
Preis des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Ideenwettbewerb Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität
F. B. Sachse, O. Dössel, W. Bauer, and M. Meesmann
Im Rahmen der 14th International Conference of Medical Physics und der 39th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering vom 14.-17. September 2005 in Nürnberg haben folgende Studenten vom IBT einen Preis für Ihre Diplomarbeit gewonnen:
1. Preis
"Computer-Aided Evaluation and Optimisation of Biventricular Pacing for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure"
von Frau Dipl. Ing. Katrin Nissen geb. Albrecht
3. Preis
„Simulated Electromechanical Heterogeneity in Human Left Ventricle“
von Frau Dipl.-Ing. Hao Chen.
3. Preis
„A Method for Detection of Human Vital Signs Using Magnetic Induction ImpedancPe Measurements“
von Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Marco Völker
Im Rahmen der Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Österreichischen, Deutschen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik vom 25.-27. September 2003 in Salzburg haben folgende Studenten vom IBT einen Preis für Ihre Diplomarbeit oder Studienarbeit gewonnen: 2. Preis 2. Preis Kategorie "Diagnostische Verfahren - Impedanz |
Im Rahmen der 36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) im VDE vom 25.-27. September 2002 an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) haben folgende Studenten vom IBT einen Preis für Ihre Diplomarbeit oder Studienarbeit gewonnen: 2. Preis 3. Preis 3. Preis |
Im Rahmen der 35. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) im VDE vom 19.-21. September 2001 Ruhr-Universität Bochum haben folgende Studenten vom IBT einen Preis für Ihre Diplomarbeit oder Studienarbeit gewonnen: 1. Preis 1. Preis 2. Preis 2. Preis |
Siemens Technologiepreis
Auszeichnung der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik für die beste Diplomarbeit im Bereich Informationstechnik:
G. Seemann Elektrische Erregungsausbreitung im Herzen ausgehend von elektrophysiologischen Zellmodellen: Erregungsausbreitung im Zellverband, Parametrisierung Zellulärer Automaten. Diploma Thesis, Institut für Biomedizinische Technik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Aug. 2000.
Im Rahmen der 34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) haben folgende Studenten und Studentinnen vom IBT einen Preis für Ihre Diplomarbeit gewonnen: 2. Preis 2. Preis 3. Preis |
Im Rahmen der 32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) hat folgender Student vom IBT einen Preis für seine Diplomarbeit gewonnen:
Im Rahmen der 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) haben folgende Studenten vom IBT einen Preis gewonnen: 2. Preis
Im Rahmen der 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) hat folgender Student vom IBT einen Preis für seine Diplomarbeit gewonnen: