All Publications, sorted by years
Journal Articles (13)
Influence of Modeling Errors on the Initial Estimate for Nonlinear Myocardial Activation Times Imaging Calculated With Fastest Route Algorithm.
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63(12) , pp. 2576-2584, 2016
ECG imaging of focal atrial excitation: Evaluation in a realistic simulation setup.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 43, pp. 113-116, 2016
Magnetocardiography did not uncover electrically silent ischemia in an in-silico study case.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 42, pp. 1145-1148, 2015
Binary optimization for source localization in the inverse problem of ECG.
In Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 52(9) , pp. 717-728, 2014
Non-invasive localization of the ventricular excitation origin without patient-specific geometries using deep learning..
In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 143, pp. 102619, 2023
Cobiveco: Consistent biventricular coordinates for precise and intuitive description of position in the heart – with MATLAB implementation.
In Medical Image Analysis, vol. 74, pp. 102247, 2021
Assessment of the equivalent dipole layer source model in the reconstruction of cardiac activation times on the basis of BSPMs produced by an anisotropic model of the heart..
In Medical & biological engineering & computing, vol. 56(6) , pp. 1013-1025, 2018
Modelling of patient-specific Purkinje activation based on measured ECGs.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3(2) , pp. 171-174, 2017
The Consortium for Electrocardiographic Imaging.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 43, pp. 325-328, 2016
ECG imaging of ventricular tachycardia: evaluation against simultaneous non-contact mapping and CMR-derived grey zone.
In Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, pp. 1-12, 2016
Experimental Data and Geometric Analysis Repository - EDGAR.
In Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 48(6) , pp. 975-981, 2015
Automatic camera-based identification and 3-D reconstruction of electrode positions in electrocardiographic imaging.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59(6) , pp. 515-528, 2014
Predicting the accuracy of cardiac pace mapping from lead field matrix characteristics.
In Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 46(4) , pp. e37, 2013
Conference Contributions (25)
Binary Optimization Approach in the TMV-Based Inverse Problem of ECG.
In ECG Imaging Workshop, 2015
Synthesis and analysis models for sparse signal reconstruction in the inverse problem of ECG.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59(s1) , pp. 941-944, 2014
Local regularization of endocardial and epicardial surfaces for better localization of ectopic beats in the inverse problem of ECG.
In Computing in Cardiology Conference, vol. 41, pp. 837-840, 2014
Local regularization in the inverse problem of electrocardiography.
In Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
Noninvasive Localization of Ectopic Foci: a New Optimization Approach for Simultaneous Reconstruction of Transmembrane Voltages and Epicardial Potentials.
In FIMH, LNCS 7945, pp. 166-173, 2013
Solving the transmembrane potential based inverse problem of ECG under physiological constraints on the solution range.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , pp. 170, 2012
A new method for choosing the regularization parameter in the transmembrane potential based inverse problem of ECG.
In Computing in Cardiology, pp. 29-32, 2012
Delay-Based Regularization for ECG Imaging of Transmembrane Voltages.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 46, 2019
Using a Spatio-Temporal Basis for ECG Imaging of Ventricular Pacings: Insights From Simulations and First Application to Clinical Data.
In 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 1559-1562, 2019
Determination of the excitation origin in the ventricles from the ECG using support vector regression.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 3(2) , pp. 257-260, 2017
ECG Imaging of Simulated Atrial Fibrillation: Imposing Epi-Endocardial Similarity Facilitates the Reconstruction of Transmembrane Voltages.
In Computing in Cardiology, vol. 44, 2017
Offset removal methods for the body surface potential map to improve the ECG imaging of ventricular ectopic beats.
In Biosignalverarbeitung und Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin. Proceedings BBS 2016, pp. 1-4, 2016
An ideally parameterized unscented Kalman filter for the inverse problem of electrocardiography.
In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 1(1) , pp. 395-399, 2015
Clinical Validation of ECG Imaging: Ventricular Activity.
In ECG Imaging Workshop, 2015
A simulation dataset for ECG imaging of paced beats with models for transmural, endo- and epicardial and pericardial source imaging.
In ECG Imaging Workshop, 2015
Geometrical model and corresponding conductivities for solving the inverse problem of ECG.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59(s1) , pp. 937-940, 2014
Effect of mesh resolution on forward calculations of the electrocardiogram in a simplified thorax model.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59(s1) , pp. 945-948, 2014
ECG Imaging - Workflow and Mathematical Concepts.
In Integrating Modalities and Scales in Life Science Imaging, 2014
Computing lead-field matrices for a body tissue conductivity range.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
Kalman Filter with Augmented Measurement Model: an ECG Imaging Simulation Study.
In FIMH, LNCS 7945, pp. 200-207, 2013
Electrode arrangements for ECG imaging under practical constraints of a catheter lab setting.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 58(s1) , 2013
Reconstruction of atrial excitation conduction velocities and implementation into the inverse problem of electrocardiography.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , pp. 179-182, 2012
Activation time imaging in the presence of myocardial ischemia: Choice of initial estimates for iterative solvers.
In Computing in Cardiology, 2011, vol. 39, pp. 961-964, 2012
Training of a kalman filter with augmented measurement model on scar data for noninvasive cardiac imaging.
In Biomedizinische Technik / Biomedical Engineering, vol. 57(s1) , pp. 175, 2012
Use of a tolerance operator in wavefront-based ECG imaging of transmembrane voltages.
In IFMBE Proceedings World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 39, 2012